Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Repair

KJ Mechanical is a full service HVAC/R company servicing Niagara Falls, Buffalo and the surrounding areas, covering most of Erie and Niagara Counties. Licensed and insured, we are the last call you will need to make for all your heating, including furnace repair, air conditioning and refrigeration needs as well as commercial kitchen equipment repair. All major brands repaired. Additionally, we are factory trained on several brands of commercial kitchen equipment and ice machines.

At KJ Mechanical, no project is too small. All labor and parts are 100% guaranteed. Our experienced technicians carry a wide-range of quality parts in their trucks, so your repairs are done as quickly as possible. All work is done on your premises, reducing repair time and disruption.

We also offer free estimates for many services. We will not perform any repairs without your prior approval. No hidden charges! Reasonable weekend and night time emergency service fees. Only $15 on top of normal service fee. Your satisfaction and comfort are our highest priority.

KJ Mechanical is Western New York’s premier full service HVAC/R company. If you are in the Buffalo, NY area and in need of HVAC services, including furnace and air conditioning repair, contact us here or give us a call at (716) 870-4796.

  • All Major Brands repaired
  • Your satisfaction and comfort are our highest priority
  • All work is done on your premises, reducing repair time and disruption
  • Factory trained on several brands of commercial kitchen equipment and Ice Machines
  • Reasonable weekend & night time emergency service fees. Only $15 on top of normal service fee.

Western New York’s Newest Premier Service company

Licensed and Insured